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200 Digital marketing quotes to make you smarter marketer

  •  “Content Marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.” – Jon Buscall
  • “Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.” – Amrita Sahasrabudhe
  • “Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.” – Anonymous
  • “Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content marketing is showing the world you are one.” – Robert Rose
  • “Google will know that you are hungry for sushi before you do.” – Ben Kunz
  • “Clients don’t care about the labor pains; they want to see the baby.” – Tim Williams
  • “Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem.” – Laura Fitton
  • “A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. – Douglas Adams
  • “A company that builds a loyal social following has a built-in army to promote their content, day in and day out. That content will get shared, get links, send social signals…all of which can’t be a bad thing.  –Will Reynolds
  • “Always seek for link opportunities and suitable linking targets; because once you’ve reached the top, your competitors will never stop in trying to outrank you – make this part of your campaign’s daily tasks. –Jason Acidre
  • “Content builds relationships. Relationship are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”
  • “Create content that reaches your audience’s audience.” – @MarketingProfs
  • “These days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched.” – Brian Clark
  • “The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say ‘This was written specifically for me.’” – Jamie Turner
  • “People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction.” – Brian Halligan
  • “You have to stand apart by offering high quality, relevant experiences to audiences that you truly understand.” – Adam Audette
  • “There are three objectives for content marketing: reach engagement conversion. Define key metrics for each.” – Michael Brenner
  • “SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked.” – Duane Forrester
  • “In 2004, good SEO made you remarkable on the web. In 2014, good SEO is a result of being remarkable on the web.” – Rand Fishkin
  • “Without actionable data and clear metrics driven strategy, the marketing organization is being paid to guess.” – Team Position2
  • “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is—it’s what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
  • “Data beats opinions.” – Anonymous
  • “Testing is the biggest no-brainer, and the killer of most stupid ideas.” – Avinash Kaushik
How to write killer Instagram account Bio


Writing a killer Instagram account bio might seem your professional objective or an honest attitude if it’s your personal account, but it actually requires a lot of thought to write a Killer Instagram Bio Really!

And if you’re using Instagram for your online business, it’s REALLY important as it could be the first impression to be a Killer one!

Here are the Top 5 most important parts of an Instagram account Bio which really matters:

Your name:  The first step to creating Killer Instagram bios is making sure that your name is, in fact, your name! (By this, we mean the “name” field in your profile, not your Instagram username).

  • Ideally, your Instagram handle will be the name of your business and you can also include it in the bio if you’re worried people don’t know, but you absolutely must include *your* name.
  • People searching for you on Instagram will likely use your name or your company’s name, and consistency lets people know that the Instagram profile they’re viewing actually belongs to you and not an impostor.
  • This might seem pretty obvious, but there’s actually a bigger reason for it: your name and username are the only fields that Instagram considers in search queries when people look for your with your name!

MAKE IT SHORT with Your Skills:

A good Instagram bio accurately explains what your business is and what you do. So if you want to stand out for a particular skill, profession, hobby, or interest, you should include these details in your Instagram bio as well!

Tell People what you do: 

Most people make the mistake of trying to tell people who they are. Meaning instead of saying, “Nutrition Consultant” say something like, “I help people in giving them nutrition tips to change their lifestyle” When you tell people who you are, you’re gambling on whether or not they actually know what that means. Instead, tell people what you do and how you can help them.


Don’t forget the funny and colorful emojis on your keypad! Adding emojis to your profile helps your bio look more artistically pleasing and helps highlight what you’re all about.

Call to Action. Be sure to have a call-to-action in your bio (i.e.) Your website URL / Whatsapp Number Link that takes them directly to have the conversation or convert them to hot leads. Whether that be your website, blog, Facebook Page, Facebook Group and so on.