Digital Marketing Salary for freshers

India’s internet population has crossed startling 380 million mark, meaning huge opportunities for companies to  attract audience via digital marketing. Thus companies are hiring more and more digital marketing professionals, however there is a dearth of skilled professionals, hence if you are skilled-up chances of you making an awesome career are higher.Undoubtedly, this is the best time to be part of Digital Marketing industry. The kind of opportunities IT industry offered in early 2000 is what the Digital Marketing industry offers today. Depending upon the educational background, professional experience and skills, a Digital Marketer can expect anywhere between Rs 1.5 Lacs to 30 Lacs per annum.

Digital marketing as a career is good option today, but you need to be very aggressive towards your skills, Digital marketing needs strong basis of knowledge and confidence.

But before you start you need to understand the field’s requirements, the drawbacks, the environment, and possible paths to take.

In Digital marketing you should be aware of SEO, PPC, Analytics, Google Web Masters, Bing Web Masters, Blog content, what are the best strategies how to implement the strategies, recent algorithm updates.

Digital marketing has many sub branches if you don’t want to pursue whole then you can choose one and practising over that particular branches.

Branches of digital marketing which you can choose as a career:

  • PPC (pay per click)
  • e-mail marketing Automation)
  • Display advertising
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • SEM(search engine marketing)
  • social media marketing
  • Mobile Apps marketing
  • App Store Optimization
  • Web/Digital Analytics
  • Social Media Analytics/Listening
  • SMS – Marketing

Most Important you should find that either you interested in technical career or not. can you  spend lot of time over the internet. do you have the patience to get results then this career option is open for you. Internet marketing demands time in every response or growth as it is slowly progressive. so a person has to keep patience in this career.
Digital marketing is also a part of traditional marketing activity, but in new technological form by using different cyber spaces like smart phones, computers, tvs etc.

Well refer to the below article by ET: 

digital marketing salary for freshers

Digital marketing as a career is good option today but you need to be very aggressive towards your skills, Digital marketing needs strong basis of knowledge and confidence. All the Best!

The Top 10 Best Digital Web Analytics Tools

The Top 10 Best Digital Web Analytics Tools 2016!

Trying to know your Web visitors can be a bit, well, confusing. Each and every specific visitor brings his own set of data that has to be collected, measured, analyzed and reported. If you don’t know what you’re looking at, it can feel a bit like being handed a Rubik’s Cube.

These free and paid tools allow you to track what keywords are sending you traffic, what keywords are profitable, and what keywords lose money. As soon as you start tracking results your campaigns get more efficient because you start focusing on the results.

Tracking where you already rank does not alert you to potential areas of opportunity that you have not yet focused on, but if you track conversions you know what those keywords are worth, and it is easier to rank for keywords related to words you already rank well for than it is to rank for a whole new basket of keywords.

While analytics are a must for any Internet marketer, it can be a bit daunting to know exactly which tool to use in order to track your results.

Here are some of the top 10 tools that you can use to gain more understanding about your website traffic.

Google Analytics

Is a very useful free tool for tracking site statistics. You get to see what keywords are bringing the most visitors to your pages and what aspects of your designs are turning them off. I use it to see which attorneys at our firm have the richest SEO, what practice groups are found during searches, what blog content is being read and what is being ignored. GA gives us a wonderful breakdown of what content on our site is being read, what is not, how long users are engaged with the content, and how users are finding and accessing our content.

Google Analytics Pros

It effectively identifies what pages on your site are generating your web traffic.

It does a good job of telling you how these users arrived on your site (i.e. search, direct, social media, etc.).

It exports data really well, so you can support and defend your communications and marketing strategies.

Google Analytics Cons

I was bummed that they moved some of the functions (keyword data, etc.) over to Google Webmaster tools. (On the bright side, this has prompted me to become more familiar with Google Search Console.)

A lot of functions are right there. But it’s hard to tell which functions are most important or what they offer.

Perhaps this is related to number 2, but the UX is fairly intimidating. All of these tools and subsets of tools are right in front of you, and it’s difficult to understand what ones are the most important. A simpler, streamlined format might be a better approach.


There are no special resources needed to use Clicky – it works well for all the sites, providing up to date metrics on visitors and actions. It started out as analytics particularly suited to bloggers and it’s still very strong there, but I believe it can work in a wide range of scenarios as well.

Clicky Pros

  • Clicky wins out because it’s extremely user-friendly and even a novice can quickly understand how to configure it to get meaningful data.
  • If you’re managing multiple sites, the ease of copying your favorite dashboard views to another site is another big plus.
  • And the bounce rate metric is different from any other I’ve seen – really great for tracking blog visitors who may look at a single article before going elsewhere.

Clicky Cons

It’s hard to find a negative feature about Clicky, but if I must pick one, it would be the fact that some reports are only available for limited periods, which means you can’t get a one year overview of all aspects of your site. That’s just nitpicking, though, as what Clicky offers is more than enough for most people. 


If you have a mobile or web application you MUST use this software to see how your users are using your product. I don’t have any experience with e-commerce sites, but I can imagine it must be awesome to see how much revenue a newsletter generates, and how your different segments are performing. Kissmetrics is used by marketing, sales and product development. When we first started using it, we got a lot of insights into how our users were using our product.

Kissmetrics Pros

  • The more events you track and properties you send along, the more you can see how specific users use your product/service. The user based timeline gives you a perfect start point to get in touch with users, because you can see where they get stuck.
  • Tracking your traffic sources and how they influence conversions is awesome. You can get a perfect view of how much a traffic source contributes to revenue.
  • Funnel reports give you more insights into micro and macro conversion steps and give you actionable data to work with.
  • Customer support!

Kissmetrics Cons

  • Integrations with CRM
  • Google Mobile Ads tracking (we’re driving signups through mobile display ads to our app on Google play, and cannot identify traffic source in KM). Mobile search and desktop ads are tracked perfectly
  • Mail integration to send e-mails from KM to users

Crazy Egg 

Crazy Egg is great if you have static content and want to be able to easily set up heatmaps and scrollmaps to see how people interact with your webpages across different devices types. Straightforward and reliable.

In circumstances when you want fast turnarounds, Crazy Egg isn’t the right tool as the visualisations often take the better part of a day to generate. It also doesn’t perform well if your site has dynamic content – either AJAX-driven or dynamically expanding.

Crazy Egg Pros

  • Provides heatmaps that shows you the elements on your site that are and aren’t performing well.
  • Provides scrollmaps so you can see how far down a page users are scrolling and which content never gets seen.
  • Screenshots show you how your website looks across a variety of different devices.
  • Provides a type of clickmap called confetti that enables you visualise clicks by segments – device, new/returning visitors, campaigns and other metrics.

Crazy Egg Cons

  • Visualisations are limited – CrazyEgg doesn’t offer attention maps or mousemove maps like some products.
  • Screenshots can take the better part of a day to generate. If you’ve got large traffic and want quick insights, CrazyEgg isn’t the right tool.
  • No automation – if you want to run a set of heatmaps regularly to keep track of frequently changing content, this needs to be done manually.
  • No integrations with A/B testing tools, which would be very helpful.
  • Customer support experiences haven’t been great. All requests seem to be managed by one person, who isn’t interested in helping fix bugs and is generally unhelpful.

Piwik Analytics

This software can be installed manually or via a third party installer. Those less happy with coding may prefer to check availability of Piwik via the web host before choosing it as a preferred option. That aside, the important issue when choosing any analytics package is whether it tracks the range of data that you need. Piwik is very rich in this respect.

Piwik Pros

  • One of Piwik’s strengths is the provision of customizable widgets for different bits of analytics data. The ability to add and remove them, change dates and more makes this a flexible way to visualize data.
  • The visitor log section is also rich, providing date, keywords, actions and more in a single table, which makes it easy to identify your most effective content.
  • And the visitor actions table includes both bounce rate and time on site, so you can quickly tell which pages have the most engagement.
  • Data display is a strength for Piwik, as you have access to overview charts while simultaneously being able to drill deeper.

Piwik Cons

  • My impression is that you can do more with goals in other analytics packages, though the basic functionality works well in Piwik.
  • The WordPressintegration can be buggy. Though it worked well most of the time, in one case I had to remove the Piwik code to fix a site error.

Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is well-suited for quick analysis of our website/mobile app especially at a summarized level. Where we start using other tools is when we have to get really granular, such as at a single customer level, though this is partly a product of how our pages are tagged.

Adobe Analytics Pros

  • Next Page Flow reports provide a quick and easy way to see what path customers are taking on the website.
  • The flexibility that creating segments gives the user for analysis purposes is great. A lot of insights can be generated when different segments are compared.
  • The web interface allows for users to quickly pick up on how to use Adobe Analytics, which is a huge advantage over just pointing people to where the raw data can be found since middle management and executives shouldn’t be spending time coding and trying to get the data into a visually useful format.

Adobe Analytics Cons

  • Because it is a web interface, sometimes it’s just slow. This could be on the user’s side, or on Adobe’s side, but it does get annoying when reports or dashboards take a long time to load.
  • A lot of the things I use AA for I learned myself as it was pretty intuitive, but there are many other features that I didn’t really understand what they were for or how to utilize them.

Mixpanel Analytics

Mixpanel provides a great way to track web site visitors and allows you to segment users based on where they came from and the actions they took on your site. It would be great to be able to visualize more than three months of your data.

Mixpanel Pros

  • Funnels feature – it allows us to easily track if users are using our website in the way we intended them to. It’s very simple to create a funnel on Mixpanel and it’s easy to visualize the funnel with the Mixpanel interface. We often use the funnels feature to help us increase conversions on our site.
  • Segmentation feature – it allows us to segment our users based on where they came from and the actions they took on our site. For example, we often use the segmentation feature to track where our users are coming from by segmenting by utm parameters, initial referring domain, city, etc. Mixpanel also has a great interface for segmentation, allowing us to visualize the data in different types of graphs and time frames.
  • Explore feature – we can create profiles on Mixpanel for each of our users. This is very helpful when we support a customer; we can quickly view their Mixpanel profile to understand what actions they took on the website, what device they are using, when they first joined the website, etc. which helps us better support our users.

Mixpanel Cons

  • Mixpanel restricts the time frame of how you can visualize your data in the Funnels, Segmentation and Retention features. For example, when you view your unique data in the Funnels and Segmentation features, you can only visualize your data for a maximum of a 3 month time frame. This makes it frustrating when you want to visualize your data for more than a 3 month time frame and requires you to manually add the time frames together. Furthermore, the Retention feature only allows you to measure the retention of a user for a maximum of 1 year.
  • The notification feature allows you to send notifications only based on ‘people’ properties. It would be very helpful if Mixpanel allowed us to send notifications based on the ‘events’ users took on the website.

Webtrends Analytics

Webtrends Analytics is great at showing increasing or decreasing usage month over month and showing what pages of the web site are getting the most usage. However, for Webtrends on Premises, memory usage is a big problem and there doesn’t seem to be an upgrade path for Webtrends on Premises.

Webtrends Analytics Pros

  • In terms of simple web site usage, Webtrends is excellent at showing increasing or decreasing usage month over month.
  • Webtrends is very good at showing what pages of the web site are getting the most usage, what are the most successful downloads
  • Webtrends is also very good at showing the geographic location of the clients. It is pretty good at showing what organizations the clients belong to as well.

Webtrends Analytics Cons

  • For Webtrends on Premises, Memory usage is a big problem. And even powerful servers with copious amounts of physical memory – does not help for Webtrends
  • There doesn’t seem to be an upgrade path for Webtrends on Premises. It is stuck at version 9.2b, and there are currently no plans to upgrade. Companies that want the latest features must instead use the hosted version, Webtrends on Demand. Companies may save on salaries, but they will need to pay Webtrends lots of money, if they are big users of the software.
  • Webtrends for SharePoint requires a Professional Services contract to do properly – Webtrends does not share the documentation. Some of the other add-ons have the same, or similar, issue.


ClickTale provides additional heat map capabilities to Crazy Egg heat maps such as scroll reach, mouse movements, clicks and a summary report. The ability to watch visitor recordings for certain visitor segments is also invaluable. The tool also makes it very easy to build and segment conversion funnels. Education is required to get the full value.

ClickTale Pros

  • Heat Maps – we used and liked CrazyEgg in the past, and it was a cheaper tool that was easy to use. ClickTale gives us additional capabilities with better data about scroll reach, mouse movements, clicks and a summary report that shows what parts of our pages are getting attention. A product manager asked us yesterday for insights on how his product page was performing, and we were easily able to send him the reports in the heat map section.
  • Visitor recordings – We get good data on our website using analytics tools like GA, HubSpotand ClickTale, but it is very helpful to watch actual visitor recordings for certain visitor segments. If we add a new page or new feature to our website and notice a trend, we can easily drill down and watch visitors and see how they are interacting with the page.
  • Conversion funnels – We do a lot of our analysis in Google Analyticsand you can set up conversion funnels in GA if you know how to do it. The problem is you can’t segment the data and the aggregated data is not as helpful. ClickTale makes it very simple to do conversion funnels, and you can segment them with just a few clicks.

ClickTale Cons

  • Education – there is a ton of data available in ClickTale, but unless you know what you are doing, it provides little insight to the business. You can’t simply send executives heat maps, conversion funnels, or visitor recordings and expect them to know what to do with the data. I recommend they make a serious investment in education for end-users so that companies can get the full value out of the data the tool can provide.
  • Set up – The set up can be easy for ClickTale, but ours was more difficult because of our CMS, use of HubSpot forms and CTAs, and our extensive use of GA. Getting all of that to work together is not always straightforward, and we had a difficult time getting it all set up. I recommend ClickTale make some investment in better tools to help customers get set up. They may have done that over the past 10 months since our initial setup.

Go Squared

GoSquared provides great real-time statistics and trends and allows us to see current trends and product engagement. The interface is easy to use and understand. It would be great to be able to get historical data. .

GoSquared is used by our representatives to easily connect and track our customer for our energy trading portal. It allows us to see our customers interest and therefore allows us to provide better and faster service to them. Our system needs to be fast and responsive, so does our analytic system, and GoSquared delivers this by providing real time information.

GoSquared Pros

  • Provides real-time statistics and trends which is invaluable to representative to establish solid connections with our customers
  • Allows us to see current trends and product engagement. Also allows us to compare unique visitor counts with relevant dates.
  • You can go big as you need, and pay as you need with instantly upgradable and affordable plans.
  • Customizable dashboard is a great add-on for representatives to remove screen clutter and have clean information
  • You can always directly communicate with your customers by integrating another component to your site.

GoSquared Cons

It would be better if it would have some kind of history, so we can dig further information.

This are the genuine reviews from the web analytics industry experts who have hands on experience with on the above mentioned tools! 

Source and Pros & Cons : Internet – 

Google launched Google Analytics 360 Suite

The Google Analytics 360 Suite will combine Google Analytics Premium (now called Google Analytics 360) and Adometry (which it acquired in 2014 and which is now called Attribution 360), with an enterprise-class version of Google’s Tag Manger and three new products (Audience Center 360, Data Studio 360 and Optimize 360) into a single solution for marketers.

                                                           Image Source

The suite, designed for enterprise-level companies, consists of six products that can be used together or on their own and integrates with AdWords and DoubleClick.

The 360 Suite promises to give brands faster and easier access to customer, performance, and third-party data across all channels so that they can create an advertising experience that more closely aligns with how consumers actually research and shop, while still maintaining the privacy of the end consumer. Where customers have, until now, seen ads based solely on information like keywords and intent data, they should now start seeing content based on their individual preferences and past behaviors. That shift from keyword-based targeting to customer-level targeting will mean more content that’s tailored to what you like and less content that’s intended for the masses.

First, a rundown of what’s new:

A data management platform: Google Audience 360 (in beta) is the company’s long-awaited data management platform (DMP) that early reports had been calling DoubleClick Audience Center. A DMP has been the arrow missing from Google’s advertising technology quiver (or layer of the stack if we’re sticking with ad tech lingo).

On-site testing tool: Unlike the DMP, the new site testing tool named Google Optimize 360 (in beta) will likely come as a surprise. Many search advertisers already use homegrown testing and personalization tools or easy-to-use solutions like Optimizely. This new product sounds much like the latter, with the ability to execute A/B landing page tests without having to code anything, yet Muret also added that “a lot of enterprises have homegrown systems, and this is made to integrate with those and give them control over how they do their own processes for content personalization.”

Marketers will be able to test offers, layouts and funnel flows against audience segments.

Enterprise-wide data analysis and visualization: ​Also new is Google Data Studio 360 (in beta). Built on the Google Docs framework that allows users to update and collaborate on reports and dashboards in real time, the Data Studio is meant to unlock enterprise marketing information and provide easy tools for presenting it in ways that are actually meaningful.  

Tag manager: Google Tag Manager 360 is technically a brand-new product, Google explains, because the existing Google Tag Manager is just a feature of Google Analytics. The new standalone product is built from the existing tag manager. “It offers simplified data collection and powerful APIs to increase data accuracy and streamline workflows,” according to the blog post. What those APIs will do that’s different from the Google Tag Manager API, however, is not quite clear, yet.

Source: siliconangle

Enterprise analytics: Google Analytics Premium is getting renamed Google Analytics 360. No new updates are being announced at this time, but several “exciting new capabilities” are on the horizon, says Google.

Attribution: Since acquiring media attribution firm Adometry in 2014, Google has made the service available as a standalone product and integrated it into Google Analytics Premium users. Now called Google Attribution 360, the product will continue to offer attribution insights across channels, devices and systems, including offline campaign information, such as when TV spots air. Advertisers can send conversion attribution results to their search and display campaigns for bidding optimization. 

The four new products in the suite (Audience Center, Data Studio, Optimize and Tag Manager) are now in limited beta. Current Google Analytics Premium and Adometry users will should see an invite to join the new betas in the coming months.


Reference Links :

Google’s Analytics 360 Suite just changed the game

Importance of web Analytics for your website

Why web analytics is important for your website? 


Whether your website is a shop front, or an informational site, or a mixture of both, Google  analytics is necessary to determine whether you’re hitting your goals.

Moreover, web analytics can be used for future growth of your online marketing strategy, so you can ensure a continuous progress of the user experience on your website.

Did you know you can track visitors coming to your Website each day/weekly/Monthly? Do you know how they come to your website? How long they stay on your website? How many pages they looked and what they viewed?

One definition of Digital- Web analytics is the process of collection, measurement and analysis of user behavior on a Website to understand and help achieve the anticipated objective of the Website.

Having a Website without having Google analytics tool is almost useless! Why spend your precision time and money on building a Website if you’re not working to track what’s happening on your website? Google Web analytics can provide you with a wealth of that can be very useful in planning your online marketing strategy, search engine optimization and search engine marketing campaigns and even Website modifications.

Google Analytics defines your online marketing efforts strategy: Web analytics is more than just installing a script on a website and setting up a weekly/monthly report to show the number of visitors on your website.

Set goals with ongoing analytics: Web analytics is a cyclical process that should run concurrently with the ongoing development and optimization of a website. It’s therefore important to constantly analyze and document how user behavior changes when making improvements on a website.

In Web Google Analytics It’s hard to select the Most important metric. It will always depend on your main KPIs. If your KPIs are related to engagement, then Time on Page, time spent on site, Pages/Session, Page views/ Users Bounce Rate, Exit Pages, Visitor Loyalty and Page Depth are some of the metrics you should be tracking. You have to choose your KPIs wisely and then your metrics will be based on that.

One of the best things about website is that virtually everything is track able! Before beginning any online marketing campaign one should make sure they have Google analytics up and running on their Website- otherwise you are just throwing money away because you are not able to track what affect the campaign had on your Website.

HTTPS on Your Website a ranking Boost on Search engine?

Now you are worried when switching from your HTTP to HTTPS site for search engine friendly purposes? Not so much. Google has been telling webmasters it is safe to do so for years. But you need to take the proper phases to ensure your traffic doesn’t suffer. This means make sure to link to Google that you moved your site from HTTP to HTTPS. Google promises to release more documentation in the future, but for now has provided the following tips:

Source : Moz

• Decide the kind of certificate you need: single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate
• Use 2048-bit key certificates
• Use relative URLs for resources that reside on the same secure domain
• Use protocol relative URLs for all other domains
• Check out our site move article for more guidelines on how to change your website’s address
• Don’t block your HTTPS site from crawling using robots.txt
• Allow indexing of your pages by search engines where possible. Avoid the noindex robots meta tag.

Advantages of switching to HTTPS:

  1. More referrer data:  Whenever traffic passes from a secure HTTPS site to a non-secure HTTP site, the referral data gets stripped away. This traffic shows up in your analytics report as ‘Direct.’ This is a problem because you don’t know where the traffic actually comes from. If you use HTTP, traffic from sites like Hacker News shows up as ‘direct’, because Hacker News uses HTTPS. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution: when traffic passes to an HTTPS site, the secure referral information is preserved. This holds true whether the original site uses HTTP or HTTPS. As more and more sites make the switch, this becomes increasingly important.
  2. HTTPS as a rankings boost On one hand, Google has confirmed the ranking boost of HTTPS. On the other hand, with over 200 ranking, it’s likely you’ll find the effect of any ranking influence to remain quiet small In fact, a recent study by Search Metrics showed no detectable advantage to sites using HTTPS. Like most ranking signals, it is very hard to isolate on its own.
  3. Security and privacy: Many people argue that HTTPS only provides an advantage if your site uses sensitive passwords. That’s not exactly true. Even regular boring content websites can benefit from HTTPS / SSL encryption. HTTPS adds security in several ways: HTTPS verifies that the website is the one the server it is supposed to be talking to, Because HTTPS prevents tampering by 3rd parties, it stops Man-in-the-middle attacks, making your site more secure for visitors. HTTPS encrypts all communication, including URLs, which protects things like browsing history and credit card numbers. My advice is this: Make the switch to HTTPS if doing so is reasonable for your business. Security and trust add to the small ranking gains, making it worth the effort if you can.



Know the Difference Between Free and Paid Versions of Gmail?

Google claims there are over 600 million users of its free web email service, Gmail. Within that number are at least several million businesses that use a generic Gmail address to contact customers.

Google sells an almost identical version of Gmail as part of its online productivity suite Google Apps, which costs US$ 5 per user a month. Why you should make a decision to use the paid version of Gmail?

There are seven main reasons which make paying for Gmail a very easy decision.

Gmail for Business - DigitalBharath

                                                                  Image credits : Businessinsider 

Custom Email Address : Businesses that use the free version of Gmail can only send emails as Notice how your bank, insurance company and airline never use consumer email addresses. The reason they don’t is because it looks cheap. For US$5 a month you can have an email address It looks much more professional and is worth it for the branding value alone.

Double the Storage : The free version of Gmail comes with 15GB of space for your documents, emails, photos and other files. The paid version has 30GB on the US$5 a month plan and unlimited storage for US$10 a month (or 1TB if your business has less than five users). Businesses that deal in Microsoft Office documents rarely touch these limits on a per user basis but as we move to using video more often in work, those storage limits will become more relevant.

Guaranteed Uptime:  Google stands behind the paid version of its Gmail with a 99.9% guaranteed uptime. That means the service is designed to operate 24/7 without fail, and that unexpected outages will be less than nine hours a year. While there is no similar guarantee for the free version of Gmail, it rarely has problems either. The guarantee is probably more valuable in theory than reality, as compensation for downtime is limited to the fees paid to Google which are tiny.

Sync Gmail to Microsoft Outlook : Microsoft Outlooks is one of the most popular email clients in the world. However, if you have a free Gmail account it’s not so simple to sync your emails, calendar and contacts. Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook is a tool that comes with the paid version of Gmail that lets you use Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 effectively with Google Apps.

You get the cost savings, security and reliability of Google Apps as your email server, while employees can use the interface they prefer for email, contacts, calendar and notes.

24/7 Support :This is a huge incentive, especially for businesses that have started to look beyond Gmail at other parts of the Google Apps suite. The free version of Gmail includes access to Google Docs (word processor), Google Sheets (spreadsheets) and Google Slides (presentations) but if you run into problems then you can’t just pick up the phone and give Google a call. For US$5 a month, you can.