How to hide “last seen” on WhatsApp

That’s just one out of a million reasons why you would like WhatsApp developers to remove the ‘last seen’ time-stamp from the app. While some people (mostly stalkers) like that time-stamp, a substantial number of people (myself included) just hate it.

How to hide “last seen” on WhatsApp

Whatever your excuses and reason, if you want to hide the last seen time, regularly referred to as “last seen” on WhatsApp, all you need to do is read and reply your messages offline.

This is how you do it:

  1. Make sure you have the “auto download” feature enabled. To do so, go to your phone’s WhatsApp chat, click the three dotted lines to see a list of options, click “Settings” then click “Chat settings” then finish with clicking “Media auto-download”. This way you will have all photos, audios and videos downloaded.
  2. Disable data and/or WiFi network before opening the WhatsApp screen.
  3. Once confirmed that internet access is disconnected, open WhatsApp aand read the messages.

If you want to reply the messages at once without showing your ‘last seen’, this is what you do:

  1. While still offline (internet disconnected), compose all the messages needing a reply.
  2. Hit to send messages (the will stay pending until there is internet connection)
  3. Close WhatsApp and get out
  4. Re-enable the internet access

Once the internet connectivity is re-established, WhatsApp will synchronize with the servers and send your messages without updating your ‘last seen’ login time.

Alternatively, you can go to Google’s play store and download an app that will disable-enable the internet connection for you. Query words eg. WhatsApp secret or WhatsaApp last seen etc.

Tip: You can also use airplane mode toggle to turn on/off all wireless connectivity at once.

Facebook is shooting itself in the foot.

Facebook Organic Reach Is Falling Short ?
Yes Unfortunately Facebook is killing themselves with the small
to medium size businesses who cannot manage to pay  $500/mo on ads. And with important drop off
in organic meeting, it is not tempting them to spend the money. The continual
feedback I got from my Company clients is that they spent years cultivating an engaging
Community Page and have even spent a few $’s here and there on ads to boost
targeted Likes and engagement (advocacy, customer service) only to see their
numbers sink lower and lower.
When EdgeRank was introduced, Pages saw a decline. Then the
latest version of EdgeRank (now un-named) came out a few Days ago, and the
numbers declined again. Now we foresee even more drop off in the near future.
It seems it is no longer about good content as much as good coffers.
Facebook Organic Reach Is Falling Short 
I can deal with spending ad dollars to build my fan base –
but now I also have to spend more ad dollars just for them to see my posts ??
You’ve got to be kidding me. I can think of far more successful ways to spend
my advertising money, so now instead of getting some of my ad dollars, Facebook
will get NONE.
The idea of Facebook business was that Pages who were
relevant could get good content spread to the masses…to “even up the
playing field” but that original tenent has been lost.  Impressions at my Facebook fan page have
dropped by 1/3. It’s time for online marketers to seek new outlets for their
promotions, and I’ll be gravitating to Pinterest,Twitter. Facebook may be
hurting themselves in the long run. I just sent this article to a friend of
mine who’s been paying them to build up his fan base. I encouraged him to stop
the traffic because he’ll have to pay them twice for posts to be seen.  As facebook is moving from organic to paid
reach, marketers will consider this platform as just another platform where
they have to pay to reach out people like print ads, tv, radio, etc. This will
reduce the value of facebook and force the marketers to move away from this
platform and find alternate platform to capture their audience. Only the clicks
has not been affected. Conversion form clicks to likes has also been affected
and dropped to 20% to 30% from 60% to 70%. 
Facebook Organic Reach Is Falling Short 
 As a social media strategist, this has been the case or a while. The
idea that good content can help a small player get noticed or that Facebook can
serve as a replacement for an email newsletter has been tossed out the window.
This makes Facebook less useful as a communications tool, instead a better fit
for larger brands. Facebook is going to continue to adjust their distribution
algorithm to reduce organic reach and require advertisers to spend more and
more to reach the people who have signed up for their updates.I just want to
say this was an obvious move, but FB doesn’t have to treat it’s audience like
idiots we all knew the minute the reach went down that we would be playing hard
ball to reach the fans we gathered. Now the real games begin because now it’s
not social media management it’s straight up marketing and knowing how to find
your audience without having a key place to go to them when you need them as
the page was for so long.

Facebook Organic Reach Is Falling Short 
To be clear, Facebook is not saying that organic reach is
declining, well, organically. They are saying that Facebook is reducing organic
reach through their algorithm changes. Anyone using. Facebook knew this
was happening (just try sending a message to all your FB
“friends”), but Facebook denied that they were intentionally doing it
to advertisers. Now they are admitting what we knew all along: Facebook is
going to continue to adjust their distribution algorithm to reduce organic
reach and require advertisers to spend more and more to reach the people who
have signed up for their updates.

This is one of the many reasons that I don’t use Facebook
any more.

To Know More About Social Media Updates  add me  Bharath Bhushan

Facebook wants Only Real news on News Feed

December 3.12.2013 Yesterday, Facebook announced major changes to its News feed Facebook is boosting its efforts to put more news in its News Feed. That is, real news from the news media, rather than status updates from friends.
Facebook is boosting its efforts to put more news in its News Feed. That is, real news from the news media, rather than status updates from friends. The world’s biggest social network, cognizant of its growing importance for discovering news, said in a blog post yesterday that it is revising the way it delivers information to its billion-plus users.  “People use Facebook to share and connect, including staying current on the latest news, whether it’s about their favourite celebrity or what’s happening in the world,” said the blog post from Facebook engineering manager Varun Kacholia and software engineer Minwen Ji.

“We’ve noticed that people enjoy seeing articles on Facebook, and so we’re now paying closer attention to what makes for high quality content, and how often articles are clicked on from News Feed on mobile. What this means is that you may start to notice links to articles a little more often (particularly on mobile).”

The blog noted that “our surveys show that on average people prefer links to high quality articles about current events, their favourite sports team or shared interests, to the latest meme.”

And Facebook will tweak the way its displays articles in user News Feeds: “This means that high quality articles you or others read may show up a bit more prominently in your News Feed, and meme photos may show up a bit less prominently,” the engineers wrote.

They added that Facebook will also “show people additional articles similar to ones they had just read.”

“Soon, after you click on a link to an article, you may see up to three related articles directly below the News Feed post to help you discover more content you may find interesting,” they said.

But to avoid diminishing the updates from friends, Facebook will revise its “bumping,” which means that after a user reads an article it may not show up again in the News Feed unless there are new comments from friends.

A study earlier this year showed Facebook is becoming a key source of news for users of the huge social network, even if people discover articles mostly by happenstance.The study by the Pew Research Centre, in collaboration with the Knight Foundation, found 64 per cent of US adults use Facebook, and nearly half of those get some news from the service. That amounts to 30 per cent of the overall US population who are “Facebook news consumers,” Pew said.

Facebook reported in October that referral traffic from the social network to media sites has increased by over 170 per cent over the past year.

Facebook Fake Accounts

How to Reveal a Fake Account.
Facebook has put together a social network of over a billion people. Some of those people do not have the best interests of their fellow humans at heart. They may seek you out to get information, to steal your individuality, or even to destroy your status. How do you guard against predators like that? I’ll show you a few ways to protect your self and your family on Facebook. from fake facebook profile Read on.!!

  1. They find it exhilarating to be something they are not, or they are trying to hide from the people they talk to all the time. 
  2.  Look for status updates,wall posts and comments.If the user hasn’t updated a status for quite a long time and hasn’t been involved in any wall posting or commenting of other statuses,it means that the profile is likely to be fake.
  3. Check out the friend list.If found that maximum of the friends are of the opposite gender,it can be assumed that the profile is used either for fun or for random dating.
  4. Look out for recent wall posts,if u see loads of people asking…’THANKS FOR THE ADD….DO I KNOW YOU’……and yet the psots remains unanswered…it is bound to be a fake one.
  5. Fake profiles are created not for good intentions. They are mostly misused. People like to abuse and don’t want others to know their identity. Many men/women create fake female/Male profiles for dating and flirting. Most fake profiles are used for pimping activities. That’s about it.
  6.  Fake profiles will rarely have any real photos   their tagged photos are of cartoons or generated photos from Facebook apps. Their photos are also likely to be few and usually uploaded on the same date.     
    Facebook Fake Account Example Look 

                                            This is how the Fake account Looks Alike !

  7. Barely any profile information  their profiles are not very telling, and the information present is scanty and what is available doesn’t reveal any personal details, for example; they may have their relationship status but no information such as where they schooled, where they work and  family relationships. This is because most people who are creating a fake profile will not have time to write out details and lengthy personal information.
  8. Look at the recent activities.If it is that the user has just been adding randomers and making new friends,and that there are no pages liked or groups joined,it suggests that the user is determined in jst adding people and hence the profile is fake.
  9. Girls  set up fake profiles to follow exes on Facebook. This one may seem a bit excessive, but it is certainly not unheard-of for a Girl  to set up a fake Facebook persona in order to creep on her ex’s profile. At the very least, she might get a mutual friend to allow her a little access to an ex’s Facebook page. Whether you broke up badly or it was mostly mutual, if you don’t keep in touch, she probably wants to know what you’re up to. Instead of calling or e-mailing you, it’s easier and less embarrassing to scope out your profile while you are blissfully unaware that she is checking up on you. If you want to prevent this from happening, don’t add any strangers to your friends list. If you have a friend you know is still in touch with her, keep your interactions limited or unfriend  them .
  10. I recently concluded that people I once considered as friends have fake profiles. I have determined that they are used by a narcissistic personality who craves attention and approval of others, and sets up these fake accounts to have imaginary exchanges…. almost always the end result is a group of “friends” bragging or complimenting their intelligence, appearance or personality. What freak shows…. this is clearly insecurity and loneliness at its lowest point. I’ll also add that these people are usually too self-centered and narcissistic to experience anything other than fake socialization. Their lives revolve around fiction… even at work they have difficulties maintaining productive relationships because they are incapable of living in the real world. So this was a minor summary of points to note while detecting a fake account on facebook. Thus beware of suck fake accounts which may lead to privacy dilemmas or likewise. Hope you people like the article and it benefits you in case you try to detect any suck profile…..!

I researched some facebook profiles and wrote this post to help you and your loved ones stay safe on social media not to scare you from social media. Social media can be very fun and useful. It helps me stay in touch with family, old friends and business contacts. I have become friends with people (who were strangers to me) all over the world. These are people who I would have never had the opportunity to get to know otherwise. I enjoy them but, I am careful about what I share with them. If something seems off or I don’t feel peace about it then I will not add them as a friend and even if I have added someone who turns out to not be right, I can still go back and unfriend them or block them if needed.  Stay safe out there and try to avoid the sharks.

Read on More about facebook   The Ugly side of facebook Fake Profiles   .
Thank You for Reading !

What is the purpose of social media ?

Social media can be defined as a platform for sharing and discussing information amongst others. Popular social networks include Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+. In recent years, social media has had a big influence on the internet, creating new communities, technologies and evolving into a great marketing tool for businesses. social media has become a term synonymous with business marketing. Although still in its early stage, there is much to social media that businesses have yet to discover. As more businesses launch successful social media campaigns, it’s becoming clear that opting out of the social revolution can put companies at a competitive disadvantage. Social media offers the immediacy and interactivity consumers want and anticipate.  It can intensify customer engagement, drive quality leads.One thing that any social media web community needs is members. Members are the commodity of social media websites. The more members, the more value–not just to the site owners, but to the community itself. In fact there is a critical mass to a social media site. Without enough members the site has virtually no value. But as the community grows, its value increases exponentially. Well populated social networks are have all the characteristics of a wise crowd. Delicious pulls together the collaborative judgment of millions of people thus categorizing and ranking the sites among billions.
The future of social media offers many exciting, new opportunities for businesses to interact with their customers. Going forward, it’s paramount for your business to integrate social media into your overall customer service experience.When your business is focused on creating positive brand experiences, it can lead to insights that have an impact on all of your customers. And most importantly, it builds trust. Your customers will see that you have their best interest in mind, and that added value for your business. Social media can be appealing to all types of people including busy professionals who use it to stay in touch with close friends and families who live far apart from each other. There are a whole host of reasons why people may find social networks useful.
If your company isn’t fully taking advantage of social media, it might be missing out on opportunities to connect with customers, gain market share and bring needed talent into the organization.Experts say virtually every type of business can benefit from using social media as a business tool.

Connecting with Customer.

Social media allows businesses to interact and engage with customers in ways that were not possible before. Whether they are Facebook fans or Twitter followers, users have a direct line of communication with their favorite brands and businesses.  Social media allows you to get personal with your customers and form a bond of trust with them.  By making yourself available through social media, reaching out to customers and sharing content, you can strengthen your online community and attract potential new clients. The more likes, circles and +’s you receive the more positive ratings your online business will receive.  People like to see positive signs and the more positive ratings and followers you are getting the trustworthier you and your business will appear on the Internet.

Awareness of Brand.

This marketing platform is constantly updating in real time which makes it possible for your brand to stay top of mind with your consumers by posting on a daily basis. Most social networking sites focus on users that have chosen to hear from your business either by liking your Facebook page or following you on Twitter, but they also offer options to extend the reach of your content beyond your current audience,In addition, it also adds a bit of personality to a business, allowing a company’s voice to shine through. As such, businesses need to be sure that whoever is in charge of updating their social networks conveys the right tone and is consistent with the company’s brand messaging.  According to a recent study, 75% of marketers saw an increase in traffic to their website after they implemented a social media strategy.

Social Media Campaign reach.

Before you begin creating social media marketing campaigns, consider your business’ goals. Starting a social media marketing campaign without a plan in mind is like wandering through a forest without a map—you’ll only end up lost.
Create a social media marketing plan and brainstorm about your goals: what are you hoping to achieve through social media marketing? Who is your target audience? Where would your target audience hang out and how would they use social media? What message do you want to send to your audience with social media marketing?
Focus on a social media campaign that will benefit your existing distributors and generate a social strategy that will build demand for your products. You’ll not only help your existing distributors, but you’ll create market demand and get the attention of new ones.
And it  doesn’t require an advanced campaign strategy or cost anything. But simply asking fans and followers to share your Facebook posts and retweet your messages can result in increased reach. Normal users’ posts are seen in a relatively high percentage of friends’ news feeds — between 29 percent and 35 percent, according to one study. Be careful not to ask every time you post, but, when appropriate, you’ll be amazed how far a  simple, polite “Please RT!” to the end of your tweet can help spread the word about your brand or business.

Website traffic is More from social media.

So, you finally have your business site up and going, but you’re still not getting any traffic. Well, for one thing, you need to promote your site in order to spread the work about it. If not, your site’s  content will never obtain its maximum reach. Many successful business site owners use the powers of Facebook and Twitter in order to help increase site  traffic.And These days, it seems as though every single business has a Facebook page and Twitter feed. The Facebook and Twitter icons appear everywhere . Almost 20% of visits to company sites are prompted by social media, whereas less than 1% come via direct links, according to recent study by ForeSee . Social media platforms offer an additional channel to market your products and services in a friendly and informal way. You can also use Facebook social ads which are same as Google Adwords. It’s not expensive. Your page’s name will be displayed in other user’s page as ad. You can get massive traffic in this way.  Like Twitter, Facebook is just one of the many ways to get some traffic to your site. Many marketers believe that it is just a matter of time for the traffic from Facebook, Twitter and the other major social networking sites to surpass the traffic their sites get from Google.

Build your social network.

As with other social networking sites, your network is your major capital. That is why you need to invite your friends, acquaintances, and partners and ask them to join as your supporter. You should also search for people with interests similar to yours. However, don’t be pushy and don’t spam because this is not the way to convince people to join your network.No matter how interesting the stuff in your Facebook profile is, if you don’t publish new content regularly, the traffic to your Facebook profile (and respectively the Facebook traffic to your site) will slow down. If you can post daily, it is fine but even if you don’t post that regularly, try to do it as frequently as you can. If nothing else, updating your status regularly is more than nothing, so do it and be active.Don’t underestimate the value of social media within your overall marketing strategy. Give it the respect it deserves. Think outside of your market and you’ll no doubt blaze your own trail to social media success. Social media is transforming not only the way we communicate each other but also the way the companies make business.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women November 25 2013

  International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women  
  • Women are beautiful for the way they think and for the way they speak their feelings from their heart and they are to be heard and understood. 
  • Women are beautiful for being truthful and genuine, kind and sweet.
  • Women are beautiful for the love they give to their children and for the love they have for their families and friends.
  • Women are beautiful for the nonstop endless work that they do from the moment they wake up to the time they go to sleep and they are to be appreciated and cherished and loved truthfully for everything that they do and for everything that they are. 
  • Women are beautiful from the inside out; there is no true beauty from the outside without a within.
  • A woman’s heart is her beauty and she shines with no makeup required. 
  • Most of all women are awesome !!  

                                                                  By -Bharath Bhushan-
End Violence against Women on this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women !!

Hardships In my Life.

I have been through many hardships and I have taught myself many coping skills that I have used to help me through the challenging times in my life. Everything that I have ever been through I know that there are other people in this world that have been through far worse than I have ever been through and I understand the feelings felt in their heart. I never felt sorry for myself or have ever taken life for granted. I use every challenge I have ever faced and met as a learning experience and when we learn we grow. Learn to face and meet every challenge that you are faced with and when you do, you will be eliminating future problems .

~Bharath Bhushan~ 

Life is so damn complicated when you start to growing up .

Life is ment for its ups and downs, when you fall you gotta get up, Sometimes you are very happy that everything seems to great but another moment things turn out to be a nightmare. Take an exampel when we were kids, Wow….It was such an amazing experience to be a kid. when we were  kids we never thought what will happen if we do wrong or right but do that for sure at any cost whether good or bad. we  used to just know that we have to do it. If anything will happen, there is someone who will handle this. Who were they? Parents & siblings ? ….Yes only they were going to protect us. But still Life continued to be complicated…..We know we are protected, we know we are safe, we know nothing can go wrong. Still we did a mistake, still something happened that introduced so much complications in our life. What was that mistake? Was that such a big mistake? we think it was…

At every point of life, there are only two ways to go, the right one and the wrong one…It’s easy to decide between Right and Wrong but the difficult question is what is wrong and what is right. Is living your life according to you is Right or obeying your parents to whom you trusted blindly when you were a kid is right. You did some mistake, your parents slapped you, will you ever try again to go there? No!! First question that will strike to your mind would be I’m gonna hurt them by telling this. That’s the point where a generation gap has evolved. You have now no one to share, no one to talk. You have lost your best buddies. Were the parents wrong? Or we were  wrong ? I think the way situation occurred was wrong. If I am trying to solve one question, at the end of my thought process I can see next question waiting for me.

I am afraid to answer any question now, because it seems to be an Infinite series of questions that would never end and you have to think about them till the end. No one can answer them…..No one has answer to them. For some, freedom is everything but that leads to separation. Deciding your own limits is easy but to obey them is difficult….!!

For me now Life is honestly so short, and literally designed to make every one happy around me. Just looking  around! All the little things i take for granted are potential sources of happiness. All the people i love, the scenery i ignore, and the hobbies i dabble in, i will just breathe and enjoy life 🙂  Tomorrow this is my goal be completely and totally happy no matter what comes my way.!!  🙂 

What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?

Business house owners, executives, and marketers perceive ancient varieties of selling like radio, TV, print, and hoarding ads. These selling channels usually increase business that is why they’re still utilized by several corporations. However, there area unit 2 major shortcomings to ancient selling.

Firstly, ancient strategies area unit high-priced. Compared to digital selling channels, you may find yourself disbursal thousands of bucks additional. If you own or run an organization with a considerable selling budget, then it would be to speculate in radio, TV, etc. for several little businesses, the risks area unit usually too high.

Secondly, ancient selling channels fail to produce instant feedback and reports concerning WHO saw or detected a poster, and took action. This information is collected long when the initial ad impression is created (and still then, the statistics area unit aloof from precise numbers).

Digital selling, on the opposite hand, refers to selling strategies that permit organizations to examine however a campaign is playing in time period, like what’s being viewed, how often, how long, additionally as alternative statistics like sales conversions.

Digital selling is additionally called net selling, however their actual processes disagree, as digital selling is taken into account additional targeted, measurable and interactive.

What’s the distinction with net Marketing?

Digital selling includes a raft of net selling techniques, like computer programme optimisation (SEO), computer programme selling (SEM) and link building. It conjointly extends to non-Internet channels that give digital media, like short electronic communication service (SMS), transmission electronic communication service (MMS), recall and on-hold mobile ring tones, e–books, optical disks and games.

At its core, digital selling revolves round the net, that explains why folks tend to believe that digital selling and net selling area unit similar. all the same, they’re completely different. net selling falls below the class of digital selling.

A key digital selling objective is partaking customers and permitting them to act with the whole through service and delivery of digital media. this can be achieved by planning digital media in such how that it needs some style of user action to look at or receive the motive behind that media’s creation. as an example, to receive a free e-book, a client may be needed to register or fill out a type, benefiting the adman with a valuable client or lead.

With tighter selling budgets currently, allocating disbursal and activity ROI area unit dominant for any business. Business house owners and managers want time period statistics to demonstrate the worth of promoting initiatives. As a result, digital selling has become Associate in Nursing integral part of company selling ways.